You can follow my blog now on Instagram and my Facebook Studio Page. Follow the links below.

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Our Soul Dies has been selected as a gallery finalist in the Lethbridge 20000. The work is for sale to enquire go to

Delft Girraween has been selected as an Salon Finalist in the Lethbridge 20000 Art Prize. The work is for sale  to enquire go to

Just Blown away to be a finalist in the Brisbane Portrait Prize. Standard of work is so the judges select the finalists i will never know. You can see the all the finalist here.

View from Bulwer won a highly commended award in the Lethbridge 20000 small scale art awards. Always humbled especially in this prize as the standard of work is just amazing.

 'Different Latitudes' A solo exhibition opens on February 14th 5.30-7.30pm at Manly Harbour Gallery in Brisbane. Works are available from 12th February till 8th March 2020

My works continue to sell, which is fantastic. I have not posted too much news here as are doing a major studio renovation. will be back into it mid October!

Another floral 'Delicate Brushes' sold. Interesting thing with this work is that I could have sold it 10 times over!  Is there something about the Callistemon (Australian bottle brush) or is it the composition? This work obviously appeals to lots of people. 
This little painting 'Indigo' got sold before it got hung. The new owner fell for the colours straight away. 
'Illawarra Beauty' went off to a new home today. Hope the buyer enjoys! 
The works below are now represented by Manly Harbour Gallery. For information and gallery hours please go to 
I think it is safe to say that I like painting trees!! This work 'Unbribied Passion', has been selected for the prestigious Clayton Utz Award for Queensland artists. For detail on the prize or to purchase this work go to.
'My Selfless One' is a finalist in Queensland Figurative 2018. My 16 year old daughter shaved off her very long hair for 'Shave for a Cure' She raised a substantial amount of money. I painted this to acknowledge her commitment. Exhibition runs until October here in Brisbane for details go to 
'Alpine Isle' a large 2mtr panel went off to a new collector in NSW. A favourite of many friends including my self. Hope the new owners enjoy!

I am in the process of renovating my studio and was excited to be accepted to take a 6 month residency at the Caboolture Regional Art Gallery in Caboolture Queensland. The space is great and has enabled me to engaged with the public. I will be there most days during the week.

A curated collaboration with myself and Therese Morgan titled Horizon opens in the Redcliffe Fire Station Gallery runs Wednesday 16 May till Sunday 10th June. Opening Sat May 28th at 2pm. Come say hi and grab a glass of bubbles.
'Girraween Poles' went off to a collector in Ipswich Queensland. This is a very large panel at 260cm long and was going to be placed above their dinning room table.
Ihave been invited to exhibit in The Republic of Korea for an international women's exhibition, curated by Korean Artist and Chairwomen of WCAA (World Culture Artists Association), Bosuk Lee. I chose to send Twisted Darkness. i think it represents a lot of what my practice is about.  
The exhibition is at Yangpyeong Art Museum (Republic of Korea)  From July 13 - 2 September
Chaos Created is in the Moreton Bay Regional Art Awards. I live in Redcliffe which is part of the Moreton Bay Region so always are excited to be a finalist. And although this is a National art prize it is always great to meet up with my local peers. Exhibition runs from the 19th to 27th May. For details go to 

Visions a group exhibition with John A Robinson. Veronica Cay. Debra Ducrou. David Green wound up last week. Great feedback and was wonderful hanging such a diverse exhibition. And although i work was so different it worked really well together in this space. 
Very excited to be going off to The Other Art Fair in Sydney.  March 22nd - 25th March. This will be the second time I have attended the Fair. Last time was fabulous. Most of the work was extraordinary and I sold heaps!! Again there is a  selection of some amazing works. Come and say hi if you are in Sydney. Tickets are available from the link. It is a real buzz to be involved with so many like minded artists and art lovers.
This work titled 'WTF' went off to a new home today.  oil on linen 80cm x 80cm. 2017
 This work really is a statement about our enviornment and how the introduction of a foreign species quite often has a devastating affect.

'Agitated' went off to a new home today. My water works always sell well. Especially to Queensland buyers. We definitely love the ocean up here!. This work has great movement and i do hope the new owner/owners enjoy!! I only have one water work left...time to paint some more??

'Whopping Works' is an eclectic solo exhibition of some of my large scale landscapes.  Most of the works are over 2 metres wide. I love working on this scale as I find I work faster and the paintings seem to pop. The Exhibition runs from the 26th of September till the 26th October at Redcliffe Cultural Centre. 9am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday. And for the first 2 weeks The Redcliffe Pottery Club has some fabulous work on show.
A favourite work of mine, Green Girraween, has found a new home with a collector in New York City this week. I have always loved the subtle hues of green in this work and the delicate play of light. It is one of those works where, the more you look. the more you find. I do hope the new owner/s enjoy :) 
For the last few weeks my daughter and I have been travelling from North Vietnam to south. We came across some fantastic landscapes and peoples, so i would image that few Vietnamese works may well appear towards the end of the year. 
I will however, be back in the studio on Monday to continue with my monotones...and a few other projects :)

These 2 works.'Fairweather Deep in Cadmium Yellow' and 'Burnt Sienna Boondall' have been selected for the Lethbridge 10000 Art Prize online finals.
Check out the finalist...they get better and better every year. Go to  

One of my favorite works. 'Aliens' has been selected for the 'Foot Square Art Prize' For more information go to

I sat down a few weeks ago with good friend, local photographer Therese Morgan, and we hatched a plan. Could we create an exhibition of NEW WORKS within a week? We were definitely up for the challenge and succeeded.  I painted 10 new works within that week. In the process my work became very fluid.  I did however have to use acrylics and gouache, as oil would not have time to dry. I admit I am still a fan of oil! Also a first for me, I did a work on Aluminium which was very similar to painting on glass. 
"'Blink' is  a  week long conversation between acrylic and ink – the canvas and the print with painting and photography culminating in this monochromatic body of work runs until the end of the month. Info is on my home page.

Have set my self a challenge to use one colour, to create one painting in one week. I started with Burnt Sienna.

This work 'Looking for Fairweather'  160cm x 100cm. oil on linen 2016, has been selected as a finalist in the Moreton Bay Regional Art Awards that open on the 19th May. If you live in South East Queensland it is well worth visiting. This is a National Art Prize. For details on the 2017 finalists go to

Kraken Gum has gone off to a new home in Sydney. Hope the new owner enjoys this one as much as I have.  Not that I am a tree hugger or anything!!

Ultramarine Dreaming and Cedar Creek Crimson Lake have been selected for the Brisbane Rotary Art Spectacular.

There will be a good selection of works from around the country. This fundraising event has raised well over 2 million dollars in the past. It is well worth a visit. 15th - 19th May 2017. Central Plaza Brisbane. For details follow the link above.

Well, what a brilliant 2016 I had!. 26 paintings found new homes which means that I need to get back in to the studio. The studio of course is in absolute chaos from last year and it will take me a least a week to tidy up. Worst thing is that my portable air-con system has decided to die........ just when unprecedented temperatures here in Queensland skyrocket!!!  

Tassie Triffid #2 (oil on linen . 100cm x 100cm) 

went off to a good home this week..and i have already had some positive feed back with the new owner absolutely loving it.

Over the moon that all these works sold at 'The Other Art Fair' in Sydney. I always get so excited when works leave me and find new homes. Hopefully the new owners are just as excited!... Because that is what art is all about....what others get our of it!!!! It was great to meet a lot of other artist all with the common agenda of getting their work exposed. And what was interesting about this fair was that not one artist had similar work to another. It just showcases how diverse this industry is!

After a long drive down the highway with my car filled to the roof with paintings I am sitting here with 104 other artist selected by a panel (including Ben Quilty). We are all exhausted and catch our breath in the calm before the storm at 'The Other Art Fair' in Sydney. Press is expected in about 5 mins.....lets hope its a good one!!!. 

Looking forward to The Other Art Fair in Sydney. Great opportunity to show case some of my work and also meet A LOT of like minded souls. Spread the word. Great place to purchase works from Australia's premium artists!   For more info go to 

Honoured to be selected for the Clayton Utz Launch Award 2016. This prize highlights artists that have a strong connection with Queensland.  For finalists go to

This work titled 'Annie' has been selected for the Queensland Figurative awards 2016. Can't wait to check out the finalists work. For more details go to

I always are a firm believer that my works are not about what I see but what others do!.   I recently sold these two works. Tibrogargan's Eiderdown and Snow Eucalyptus to a gentleman that use to do army manoeuvres in Girraween. All he could see in my paintings were wombats rushing at him from beneath the scrub...just love it!!!!!!

Ultramarine Dreaming (61cm x 61cm. oil on linen) has been selected for the Lethbridge 10000 Small Scale Art Awards. This prize gets better and better every year. .....And this one is a good one. Exhibition runs until the 19th June. Details

Again thrilled to be a finalist in the Stanthorpe Art Prize. There is some brilliant artists with some amazing work in this prize. If you have nothing to do for the opening night on the 3rd June and the following weekend 4th - 5th June I suggest you head to the Granite Belt. here you will find not only Art!, but some of the best wine and produce in South East Queensland. You can find more details at

Image. Agitated. oil on linen. 2016. 110cm x80cm

Bewitching Boondall Wetlands. oil on linen. 70cm x 200cm is a finalist in the Moreton Bay Art Awards 2016. If you live in Brisbane it really is worth a visit as this award always proves to have a great diversity of work on show. Details are on my home page.

I sold 12 works at my Solo 'More than Moreton'. This means i can now afford more canvases..Yay :)

Had a great opening of my 'More than Moreton' Exhibition. sold 7 works in the first 2 days. Exhibition runs until the 20th of March @ The Old Fire Station Gallery. 395 Oxley Ave. Redcliffe. QLD 4020

Here are some images from the State Library of Queensland's Peace and Quiet exhibition. I submitted 'Tibrogargan's Eiderdown' (Hanging left of the L), Because this work for me represented the title perfectly. Peace and Quiet is an opportunity for the community to explore and present a range of projects around the theme of peace.

This work (Aliens)has just gone down to the 40 x 40 art prize at the Brunswick Street Galley in Melbourne. A great place to buy some art for Xmas. There are heaps and heaps of entries to choose from. For more details go to :

I have just completed a couple of small works for the 9 by 5 exhibition... i.e.(23 x 13cm), And for someone like me that is used to working on much larger scale,...... it was somewhat challenging!!

The popular 9x5 exhibition will again be hosted by the Walker Street Gallery this December.

The exhibition, on display from 4-20 December 2014, will highlight works created by artists of all levels, experiences and styles on panels measuring nine by five inches.

The Walker Street Gallery exhibition commemorates an original 1989 exhibition held at Buxton’s of Swanston Street in Melbourne where works from well-known artists Tom Roberts, Charles Condor, Arthur Streeton and Frederick McCubbin were exhibited on nine by five inch cigar box lids.

This year the exhibition will have more than 120 artworks on display, each celebrating the importance of art in people’s everyday lives.

The exhibition will be launched on Thursday 4 December at 6.30pm and is free to attend

I have a collection of water studies that I am in the process of finishing for Brisbane St Vincent's Hospital as part of their 'Outside In' Exhibitions. I did an exhibition for the hospital last year. I think it is fabulous to fill the walls with colour for both patients and staff alike. 

The works will be there from July until December. And can be accessed by patients and their families and hospital staff, other interested parties may view by appointment. For details contact Fiona Forrest. Email

Image. Dancing. oil on linen. 122cm x 92cm 


This work has been selected for the Moreton Bay Region Awards. This is a national art prize that showcases work from around Australia as well as a great selection of local artist. If you live around South East Queensland somewhere it is always worth a visit.

Exhibition Dates are 16th - 24th May. 10am - 4pm

For more details go to 


Oh Yeah!!!!.....I'm changing my colour palette.......and are sinking my brush into a water series. I am doing an exhibition again for Brisbane St Vincent's Hospital called. 'Outside In'.

A hospital environment can at times be stressful and hectic, both for staff and patients. I am hoping that the calming effects of water will offer some reprieve from the chaos. 

Lots of people ask me questions about my practise....well, SOME of them have been answered in this recent interview. 


My exhibition of 22 new works titled 42.65528° S , 146.58750° E 

opens at the Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre in Dandenong Melbourne. One work has already sold before it was unpacked!!!

Official opening is 6.30pm. Thursday 5th February and the exhibition runs till the end of the month. All works are for sale. Many are at affordable prices!

For Details go to

Finally 22 new works are finished and have been collected for Melbourne. The humidity here in Queensland played havoc with the drying times...and I was still varnishing the day before pick up!. Perhaps I should change to Acrylic? The new exhibition opens at the Walker St Gallery on the 5th February 2015. I will post more details in the new year. I now need to get some housework done.....something that i have neglected for a few months!!!

Piano Dress #4. oil on linen. SOLD 

A finalist in the Queensland Figurative 2014. There is a long lists of finalists that includes many very talented QLD artists. It would definitely be worth making time to check out the exhibition if you live close to the Brisbane area.

For more details go to 

I am still getting many queries about art classes. I would love to do some more teaching, but alas I just can not seem to find the time. For people that live locally, I do have the name of a lady with my namesake Gabrielle Turnball that is teaching here in Redcliffe. She has classes in the weekend and during the week. I have had great feedback from people that have been attending her classes. For more info about Gabrielle's classes you can contact Richard Lancaster on 0438193728. 

It is time for the Queensland Regional Art Awards. I wasn't going to enter this one as their theme for this year was Vital Signs. A rather ambiguous theme that could have fitted in with one of my landscapes...but instead I took another approach. Peoples choice is now open for voting. I am finding it hard to go past a work called 'Breathe Life'  by Kelly Knight-Dee it is just beautiful! So go check them out!

My portrait of Yassmin Abdel Magied has found a new home in Yassmin's former School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at the University of Queensland's, St Lucia Campus.  Yassmin is an amazing role model! I hope her portrait is an inspiration for future students at UQ,  in particular for young women entering the world of engineering.

Its that time of year again for the Lethbridge 10000 Small Scale Art Award. My painting 'Rebel Without A Cause 2' (oil on cotton. 50 x 50cm. 2014) is a selected finalist. If you are wanting to buy some amazing works  from some amazing artists  at an amazing price  go to this link.

Girraween Toile. oil on linen. 90cm x 90cm SOLD

I am a finalist in the Moreton Bay Regional Art Awards. Moreton Bay has a staggering amount of talent. If you live locally it is well worth checking out the local and National talent on offer. For details go to

Exhibition Dates:  17 - 25 May

Image: Girraween Toile. oil on linen. 90cm x 90cm. 2013. SOLD

Blown away to be the Winner of 'SHE' Walker St Gallery Prize down in Melbourne, with my painting "In the Dark Shadows of Tibrogargan"

Always, Always!!!!! Humbled as you can see below there is some FANTASTIC work in this exhibition. SHE runs till the 29th March at Walker St Gallery, Dandenong Victoria.

The prize was a solo exhibition at the Walker St Gallery, that will take place 7th - 28th February 2015. I am going to be busy!!!!!!!! 

Gallery images below courtesy of The Walker St Gallery, Dandenong, VIC

I had an invitation the participate in the Brisbane Rotary Arts Spectacular this year and I am happy to say I have had two works accepted. This is a fabulous opportunity for anyone wishing to buy work from prominent and up coming Australian artists. Last year they had record art sales of over $130,000, but more importantly raised $90,000 for their beneficiaries. There is an opening night cocktail party here in Brisbane on Thursday the 3rd April.  For tickets and more information go to 

A few months ago I responded to a call out from St Vincent's Private Hospital Brisbane for their 'Outside In' Art Exhibition and I am happy to say that my proposal has been accepted.

In their own words........'Outside In' aims to provide patients with a connection from the hospital to the outside world. Art works are expected to engender encounters with people, places and experiences beyond the hospital itself, offering opportunities for reflection and contemplation, engaging in memory and recognition, inspiration and motivation. 

What a fantastic idea. If art, for even a split second, can transport a thought away from a stressful predicament, that is just magical! 

I am excited to be part of this!

Always excited to be a finalist in the Stanthorpe Art Prize. This year a staggering 702 images where submitted!, from Australia and beyond.

AGAIN another chance for me to get lost in the wilds of Girraween National Park. The unique landscape for me is SO! inspiring.  

Exhibition runs from the 28th Feb - April 13th. 

Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery

Image: Girraween Poles 2013 oil on linen 100cm x 250cm

Wishing all my Friend and Colleagues a Happy and Prosperous 2014.

I'll be in the Studio January 1st.

Can't wait!!!!!


Two Tibrogargan Ghosts. oil on linen. 150cm x 150cm. SOLD

Group Christmas Exhibition is on at Valori Espresso Lounge and Gallery

From the 7th December

Opening 3pm - 4.30pm Sunday the 8th of December.

71 landsborough Ave. Scarborough 

Photography is an integral part of my arts practice. One image can sometimes be the source of many paintings. I have a small collection of studies from my Girraween and Tibrogargan series on display at the Redcliffe Cultural Centre, Downs St Redcliffe for the next couple of weeks.  They have been printed on German Etching Paper which adds certain depth and strength to the images. All are beautifully framed and are for sale. Contact me if you have any queries. Mobile 0400 794 880

Last week i lost myself in the wilds of Tasmania....and i just think!, there may be a Tasmanian series on its way. I will however be changing the direction of my work slightly. As I always say, with each new subject my work evolves accordingly. And the strangest thing about painting is that I know what the end product should be.....but as I work towards can change direction and be quite removed from my initial goal.And that is what keeps me painting, because if I knew exactly what the outcome would be.....I simply would not paint. 

Image. Digital photo Horseshoe Falls, Mt Field National Park

Over the moon that this painting recently sold in the Paddington Art Prize 2013. I love this painting Girraween Tapestry and I'm wrapped that it has found a home. Because isn't that what painting is all about!.                                         

I always feel like I have closed a door when I sell works from a particular series and another door has opened prompting me to work in a new direction. Quite often working out what that direction may be.... can take weeks....but when the direction has been found..... painting just takes hours!! 

Granite. oil on linen. 160cm x 100cm. SOLD

I am honoured to be a short listed for The Clayton Utz Launch Award here in Queensland.

Artists short listed for this prize have to have a strong connection to Queensland.  As you can see by my latest works, my obsession with the Queensland landscape is somewhat taking over my arts practice. So much so, that my new works (which i hope to start next month) will follow a completely different theme, but will still incorporate Queensland's amazing landscape.. 

Always always, humbled to be in a finalist exhibition. Girraween Tapestry has been chosen as a finalist in The Paddington Art Prize in Sydney.I enjoy painting most of the works that I paint. But I must admit I really enjoyed painting this one!  I spent some time down in Girraween National Park. And the first thing that struck me was how the granite boulders dictated which way the flora would grow. This created a chaotic pattern that for me seemed so organised, a pattern that I could see on a well balanced and planned tapestry.

To see more details on the prize and to see some amazing art!!, you can go to

The Queensland Regional Art Awards are on again. The theme for this year was 'Living Change' 

Every year the work submitted gets better and better. Queensland has some awesome talent!!!. Check them out on the link below.  

Image. Shaped by Terrain. oil on linen 2013

Great News!! My exhibition 'Girraween Meets Scarborough' has had such positive feedback that it has been extended for another month until the 31st of August.

Don't forget to get down there!! Valori Espresso Lounge and Gallery 71 Landsborough Ave. Scarborough and grab one of the best Coffees around. Open 7 days.

I am donating this painting, 'Naturalized Australians'  oil on canvas, 2010,  76cmH x 152cmW to the Redcliffe State High School Music Department to be part of their auction at their Gala Music Night, coming up on August 3rd. So you could!! in fact win this painting for just $1.  This is a great night and all funds raised go to supporting their fantastic music programme. You can contact me on (0400 794 880) if you are local, and wish to buy some tickets or you can contact Redcliffe State High School. More information can be found on their website

Girraween Meets Scarborough

Following my recent exhibition, 'Tibrogargan meets Girraween' at the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery, I have a selection from that exhibition, including new photographic works and 2 Lethbridge 10000 2013 Finalists works opening at Valori Espresso lounge and Gallery Sunday the 7th July, 3.30pm - 4.30pm. Please RSVP to Therese Morgan via text or phone (m) 0402 702 142. This exhibition runs from Monday 1 July till Sunday 28 July.

If you are coffee obsessed like me! Valori serves some of the best coffee in Brisbane!

Below is the link for the Lethbridge 10000 Art Awards. I have a painting and a photograph selected. (Left. Girraween Christmas, digital print on German etching paper 2013)

This is a fantastic opportunity to purchase small works from established and emerging Australian artists.Exhibition runs for a really short time. 15-30th June. For more details go to  

If you live in the vicinity or fancy a weekend away there are only a couple  weeks left before my Solo finishes at the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery. For more details go to

Left: Girraween Poles. Oil on linen. 100cm x 250cm. 2013

I have had two works selected for the 2013 Lethbridge 10,000 Small Scale Art Awards. One Short-listed and one an online finalist. I think this year there is some outstanding work.  I will post the link when it its public.                              

Tibrogargan Meets Girraween

All my work was collected yesterday for my new Solo exhibition.

This again is an extension of the obsession i have in exploring our native flora in it's natural state. Apart from new paintings there will be 10 new photographic works. 

Exhibition opens 19th April 6pm. Exhibition runs from 18th April - 2nd June at the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery.

Images right. Granite. oil on linen. 160 x 100cm SOLD

Recently I had the pleasure of being commissioned to illustrate a short story written by our local 'Culture Vulture' Richard Lancaster. Last Friday the book launch for 'A Baker's Dozen + 2' (a collection of 15 short stories, each illustrated by well known local artists)was opened by another local, but now national celebrity, William McInnes. 

Absolutely honored to be selected for the Muswellbrook  Art Prize there will be some amazing work at this exhibition. works include painting, works on paper and ceramic. Well worth the visit if you are in the Hunter Valley Region NSW . Exhibition runs from the 24th March - 12th May for details go to    Image: Tibrogargan Sapling Silhouettes, oil on linen 2013

Love it when I can see some progress and things start moving along.Girraween National Park is starting to take over the Studio!!

Tibrogargan Meets Girraween (solo)

Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery

Opening Friday 19th April/Exhibition Dates 18th April - 2nd June 2013

Thanks to all those people that have inquired about classes in the last few months....... I would love to start teaching again but alas!!. I just have too much of my own work to get through. I may perhaps start a couple of classes later in the year. If I do start up workshops or classes..I will post all the info on this site. 


Can't believe that 2013 will shortly be here!!!  I have new Solo exhibition coming up in April 2013 that will be in the Stanthorpe Regional Gallery. So there will not be too much rest for me over this holiday period...just painting painting. My new works will be taking a slightly different direction.  So will be eager to see how things evolve. 

I hope everyone has a fab holiday season and A Happy New Year.   

I am humbled to be a selected finalist again,  in the Paddington Art Prize coming up in Sydney. I am really excited as the painting selected,  'In the Dark Shadows of Tibrogargan' is one that I really like!.   For details on the Prize and some of the drop dead talent that will be hanging go to

Exhibition Dates Wednesday 28th - 9th December. 

MARY PLACE GALLERY 12 Mary Place(off Brown ST.) Paddington NSW 2021 - Exhibition Dates Wednesday 28th - 9th  December.

Image: In the Dark Shadows of Tibrogargan

'Artist Coffee Fix'A while ago I did a talk for Artslink (formally, Queensland Arts Council), on social networking...something that none of us can avoid. It was rather obvious to me during the course of the evening that there were many artists present who were not very computer savvy . I am guilty of being one of them!! So I started an very archaic way to talk over coffee. Hence the 'Artist Coffee Fix'. It's about meeting like minded people, forming professional relationships and finding out what is happening in the local arts scene....over a coffee. When: The 1st Saturday of the month @ 3pm  Where: Valori Espresso Lounge and Gallery. Landsborough Ave, Scarborough, Queensland...Next get together Saturday February 2nd  

This week I was invited to be a guest at Scarborough State Primary School for an Annual Art Exhibition.  The most exciting thing for me in this exhibition was that EVERY child from the school had something hung. That is nearly 900 pieces of art!!!! The work was just amazing. Young children have an extremely acute sense of fun and colour when they create and it was a pleasure to wander around the displays. The school also show cased some of their budding musical talent. It is fantastic to see a primary school celebrate the arts with such a large event and I think the school community should be very proud of there efforts. Especially the children!!

My portrait of Yassmin Abdel Magied has been selected from the Queensland Regional Art Awards to Tour Queensland in 2012. Called 'Connection' The Queensland Regional Touring Exhibition Dates are.

Butter Factory Arts Centre .Cooroy. 3 February -10 March

John Flynn Place Museum & Gallery. Cloncurry. 14 May - 8 June

Mount Isa Civic Centre. Mount Isa. 2 July -  30 July

Sate Library Queensland. Brisbane. 1 October - 21 October

Tyto Regional Art Gallery. Hinchinbrook. 2 November - 8 December 

Details of Award winners go to

I have new Solo Exhibition titled' 'From the Studio Floor' I enjoyed putting this exhibition together, and it showcases an eclectic mix of work I have completed in the last 24 months. 

Official Opening by Mr Richard Lancaster 'The Culture Vulture' Sunday 7th October 3pm-4.30pm  There will be Live Music, Bubbles and the Cafe will be open.Exhibition Runs 1st October - 30th October 2012.   Valori Espresso Lounge 71c Landsborough Ave, Scarborough.

Image; Piano Dress #5, oil on linen 2012

I am honoured to have been shortlisted again for the Kenilworth Painting Prize here in Queensland with my painting Tibrogargan Sapling Silhouettes (left). Here is a little bit of history about the Kenilworth Painting Prize.

This annual prize was created in 2006, by the then Mayor of Maroochy Shire Cr Joe Natoli, as a National acquisitive prize to give recognition and financial support to artists who have demonstrated outstanding artistic achievement and are committed to ongoing creative development. The winner is selected by a panel of three professional judges. Entries are shortlisted and finalists' work is exhibited at Kenilworth Hall during the Arts Festival. 

Check out the work it is just fantastic. The winner was Ian Gunn, for his painting Sense of Doubt (reality). I thought his work was amazing and I don't think the image does, the painting justice. Check out the work on the link below.


I have finished work on the 11.3 metre mural. The space is very mono-toned and the clients wanted something bold and bright!!. This property is on the coast, and the foreshore here in Queensland is dotted with pandanus palms. I have produced a very stylized pattern of the pandanus which has turned into a rather dramatic feature wall, behind the pool. i will up load a better image, when I locate my wide angle lens!!


Apart from my painting i do get involved in other art projects. i belong to a group of artists here in Moreton Bay called Artmix. Here we collaborated on a community art project we called 'Faces of Redcliffe'. We invited local community members to come and have there photo taken for an art project. We explained to people that we were not quite sure what the end outcome would be. The community was really positive and enthusiastic. And the outcome is what you see here. It was featured in the Redcliffe Cultural Centre foyer for several weeks. Our community here on the Redcliffe Peninsular is fairly small, therefore many locals recognized someone they knew!

'In the Shadow's of Mt Tibrogargan' a solo exhibition of new works.

Caboolture Regional Art Gallery  24th July - 18th August.

Opening 28th July @ 11am. RSVP 14th July to

Caboolture Regional Art Gallery. Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm.  Saturday 9am - 3pm Sundays Closed. More information. PH 07 5433 3710 or

This exhibition is an extension of a continued obsession I have in exploring the Australian native flora in its natural state. Not only does the tranquilly, stillness, symmetry and beauty of this particular landscape transfix me, but I am constantly reminded, what the traditional owners of this land ‘The Kabi Kabi’ (Gubbi Gubbi) people have known for thousands of years, just how perfect the balance of nature under this magical mountain is.

With our fast encroaching subdivisions, so glaringly obvious here in Caboolture, (being one of the fastest growing regions in Australia) it is imperative we nurture and protect what is here on our doorstep, for future generations.

‘Sustainability’, ‘carbon footprint’, ‘eco friendly’, ‘green’, are all buzz words of the 21st century. The Kabi Kabi people had no need of such terminology! 

What will be the ‘buzz words’ in  2112? 

NB . Where possible, to lessen my ‘carbon footprint’ I have used canvases made from ‘farmed’ NZ pine and natural linen. 

Images: Armageddon oil on canvas. 50cm x 50cm & Architecture For Prey. oil on linen. 50cm x 50cm SOLD
I am a finalist this year for the Lethbridge 10000 Small Scale Art Awards. The two works above have been selected. Painting on a small scale...was somewhat of a challenge....I really only do big!!. I do have a studio full of small perhaps it is time to work on some?

Check out the finalist on the link below...there is a great cross section of style and medium. 


I am part of a group exhibition, 'In the Red' . This is a contemporary exhibition highlighting works across many mediums by some very talented artists here in the Moreton Bay Region.

This gallery space (Studio Red), is set in the Visual Arts Complex of Redcliffe State High School and gives students a fantastic opportunity to interact with the local art community. Please join us for the opening event Saturday 12th May 3-5pm. Refreshments available. RSVP

Exhibition Dates 8th - 18th May. Details contact Redcliffe State High School on  3897 1111 or email

OMG...a self portrait!!! 'Who do I think I Am?' This really is about Who do I think I am??? I have spent half of my life in NZ and half here in Australia, hence the dress!!. (that I screen printed and made) In the pictures behind me, I have the Turul (national animal of Hungary), it represents my father and the unicorn (national animal of Scotland), represents my Mothers heritage. I have not really looked at my self in such depth since I was a vain teenager. It really was quite confronting. I set about, not!, to capture a glamorous rendition of myself, but an image that captures me or….. ‘Who I Think I am?’ 

This Portrait is hanging in the "The Real Refuses" Exhibition, along with the Landscape above, What's around the corner (SOLD) at the Tap Gallery in Darlinghurst Sydney. April 11 - April 18. Details

had two works selected for the Stanthorpe Art Prize 2012.  This was great news as it gave me the chance to get up there and get lost in the wilds of the Granite Belt. 

Especially Girraween National is just beautiful

Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery - Exhibition dates 24 February - 9 April. details go to Phone (07) 4681 1874

In between the rain I am still working on the 11.3 metre mural. It is starting come together. Will post a finished photo when i get there!!!! 

For the month of July, Valori Espresso Lounge is proud and excited to present 

Birds, Branches, Beaches, Bouquets an exhibition of works by emerging Artists, including Elizabeth Sheehan, and established Artists Beth Thomas, Glenn Mitchell & Gabi-Mika McNaughton to name a few.

Opening Event this Sunday 8th July, 3pm - 4.30pm.  A group exhibition. Exhibition runs until the end of the month.71 Landsborough Ave Scarborough. Image: Psychedelic Dawn. SOLD

Thicket under Tibrogargan (left) is a finalist in the Moreton Bay Regional Art Awards. If you live in the area it is well worth the look at the exhibition. The exhibition is on only for a really short time. From the 19 - 27 May. Details can be found on the link below or Phone Pine Rivers Art Gallery  (07) 3480 6941

Image: Thicket Under Tibrogargan. 122cm x 92cm oil on linen. SOLD

I mentioned that i would post some paintings of New Zealand when I got around to actually finding the time to paint some. Well, I have only managed to get one done, I don't know when i am going to find the time for a NZ series.....but I am determined that it will happen!!!!

Painting here is called Morning Glory. Here, I am standing on the edge of Lake Hayes looking across to the bare ski runs on Coronet Peak,  just outside of Queenstown. The morning light is slowly sneaking into the valley. I find there is an enormous difference in the NZ landscape... (especially the south Island) compared to Australia. NZ is very still and quiet. Often one feels dwarfed by the landscape. Where as Australia, to me feels like it is loud and full of movement. 

Morning Glory. oil on linen. 2012. 76 x 152cm. SOLD

I am part of a joint exhibition titled  "Night Walk - light in the Dark" along with artists 'Marksman' and Therese Morgan which opens this SUNDAY 13TH NOV 4 - 6pm. The exhibition will run until the end of the month.

This body of work is a continuation for me, of my exploration, regarding the connection, between the Pre-Raphaelites and Early Victorian Photographers.  One photographer in particular interests me, Julia Margaret Cameron. This may perhaps be because photography would have been a rare occupation, for a woman of the 1850’s.  In this era, both parties viewed each other suspiciously. But the fact that much of their work, landscape and portraiture, somewhat mirrored the other, is where my fascination starts.  The same parallels, seem to happen between my painting and photography. In fact the separation I have between each is somewhat minimal and my concentration, like the Pre-Raphaelites and Early Victorian Photographers is dominated by composition and light.  I however…. unlike the photographers of the day, have a rather obvious advantage… and that is technology!!

Valori Espresso Lounge .71c Landsborough Ave Scarborough.


I am really excited to be a finalist in the 2011 Paddington Art Prize in Sydney. with the work above. 'Smell the Smoke'

The PADDINGTON ART PRIZE was established by Marlene Antico in 2004. This $20,000 acquisitive prize is awarded annually for a painting inspired by the Australian landscape.

An exciting addition to the Australian Arts calendar, the PADDINGTON ART PRIZE takes its place among the country's most lucrative and highly coveted painting prizes. The prize encourages the interpretation of the landscape as a significant contemporary genre, its long tradition in Australian painting as a key contributor to our national ethos, and is a positive initiative in private patronage of the arts in Australia.

Menzies Art Brands Gallery. 12 Todman Ave Kensington, Sydney N.S.W.

The Opening Night and Prize Presentations will be held on Wednesday 5th October 2011 from 6pm – 8pm and will be officially opened by Professor Ian Howard, Dean of UNSW COFA .

Exhibition dates Tuesday 4 October until Sunday 16 October 2011.

This is the first time I have ever entered the Archibald Prize. I got such a buzz entering this. I received  a lot of publicity which I think was down to my fabulous subject!! , Youth Queenslander of 2010 and president and founder of Youth without Borders,  Yassmin Abdel Magied. I thoroughly enjoyed painting a portrait on this scale.  Image is courtesy of The Daily Telegraph.

Check out the link    

My painting above 'Sky Before the Flood' has been selected as a finalist in the 2011 Clayton Utz Launch Awards here in Queensland. This painting is very special to me. This is a painting of the front that caused such devastating floods here in Brisbane last January. The power and force in this sky was mesmerizing.

I think Queensland has some awesome talent!!, check out the other finalist here. 

I have sketched out a brief outline of my mural and have started painting. It really is evolving as i go, and i think it is going to be much bolder that what i had in mind. Which is in keeping with what the clients want. 

It's time again for the Nundah Village Festival. This was a great weekend of events and I won 'Hangers Prize' for Psychedelic Dawn (right) in the Nundah Village Art Show. It is just fantastic to get such amazing feedback about this work.There were hundreds of works in this exhibition. It shows that the Art scene is very much alive here in Brisbane. I think it also high lights that there is much need exhibition space, especially here in the Northern Suburbs of Brisbane. Go to the link below for details on the festival. 

Image Psychedelic Dawn, SOLD 

Tibrogargan's Eiderdown SOLD has been shortlisted for the Kenilworth Art Prize.

I am blown away to be a finalist. There are only 15 artists shortlisted. Check out the talent on the link below. The Kenilworth Art Prize is part of 'Kenilworth celebrates' an arts extravaganza that runs from 24th September - 1st October.  

This is really something new for me. I have been commissioned to paint a mural on this 11.3 meter wall. Working on something in this scale is going to be such fun!! The clients are after something with punch. I will keep you posted as i progress. 

I have been selected as a finalist in two art awards this month. 

The Prometheus Visual Art Awards and the Moreton Bay Region Art Awards.

The Prometheus Visual Art Awards are exhibiting from 27th may - 1st June at All Saints Anglican school. Highfield Drive. Merrimac. Queensland

The Moreton Bay Art Awards are exhibiting 21st - 29th May. Pine Rivers Gallery 199 Gympie Rd. Strathpine. Queensland For details go to

I finally made a trip across the ditch to New Zealand. I left NZ along time ago and most of my friends will say that  "you can take the girl out of NZ...but you cant take the NZ out of the girl" . I was born in the South Island and there is something about the landscape that is part of me. I took my mother and my teenager daughter, whom is a budding photographer...and between us we took over 3,000 images. I am going to start a NZ Series and will dedicate a page entirely to NZ


I have been invited to exhibit at the Sanctuary Cove Arts Festival 2011. There will be a heap of Artists exhibiting along with work shops and demo's, so it is well worth going along if you live somewhere near the Gold coast. The fesitval runs on the weekend June 4th - 5th for detali go to

image: NSW Spying on Queensland 2010 SOLD

I picked up a Commended Award for the work 'White Dusk' at the RASGO National Open Art Awards. 

The finalist exhibition runs from the  9th - 22nd July at the Golden Ox (Monet Function Room) 330 Oxley Ave Margate QLD 4019.

 Image: White Dusk. SOLD

I am a finalist in the The Moreton Bay Region Art Awards again. This is a great place to check out the local and national talent. It unfortunately is on for a rather short time so it you have a moment get down and check some of the stunning works.

Exhibition Runs 23 - 30 May at the Pine Rivers Art Gallery 199 Gympie Rd. Strathpine QLD For more details Ph 3480 6941 or go to  

image: Big Black Beautiful Bargara Boulders 2010 SOLD


I am excited that this work '60,000 Year Old Supermarket' has won a  

Highly Commended Award in the open section at the Gympie Regional Art Award and is also a finalist in the Stanthorpe Art Prize 2010  . The Exhbition runs from the 26th February to the 18th April. For more details contact Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery

image: 60,000 Year Old Supermarket. SOLD

This painting "View from my Latte @ Mud Cafe', Deception Bay"  has won a Highly Commended Award at Dimensions Nudgee College Art Festival and is also a Finalist in the Moreton Bay Region Art Awards 2009.  Exhibition for Moreton Bay Region Art Awards runs from 23 May to July 4th. For details go to 

Image, View from my Latte`@ Mud Cafe`, Deception Bay . SOLD

 © copyright to all visual images are owned solely by the artist Gabi Mika-McNaughton.